Dear Sir,
I am father of 2 kids (one daughter and one son). Of late, my father has been threatening to sell property which is registered on my Mother's name. During the construction of the house, I did contribute an amount of Rs. 8 Lakhs being a son and helped my father financially. I have got two more brothers who also have given their contribution of Rs 2 Lakhs each. After my marriage, father and mother are not in good terms with me as well as my other brother who is facing the same problem. I am still staying in the same house to take care of them and also taking care of their medical expenses (mother got hospitalized twice and undergone surgery as a son, I have given 1.5 lakhs for my mothers expenses) despite their attitude towards me. I would also like to inform there are no financial problems at home. My other two brothers also do not like my father to sell the property.
My question is can my father sell the property without my consent or signature. Do I have any right on the property as I did contribute during the construction of the house.